- Prepare Me App
- Overt Behaviour Scale
- Rights and Resources – People with ABI and the Victorian Justice System
- Publications & Presentations
- Useful links

Prepare Me App
Diverge Neuropsychology is a supporter of the Prepare Me App that was implemented by Katherine Varley. In late 2022, our Neuropsychologist Dr Adrian Kamer had the honour to support Katherine Varley to present the Prepare Me App at the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) event for the International Day of People with Disability.
At Diverge, we are long standing health providers to TAC and Workcover clients. As it’s hard to stay on top of things after a brain injury, the Prepare Me app helps clients take back control to achieve rehabilitation goals. It’s an app that acts as a personal assistant, helping keep rehab on track as clients regain control of their lives and meet recovery goals.
You can download the app from the Apple or Google Play store on your phone or tablet.
Click here for more information https://prepareme.com.au/
Also check out our LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/posts/diverge-consulting-australia_innovation-community-technology-activity-7005301383826464768-_59I?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Overt Behaviour Scale
The Overt Behaviour Scale (OBS) is used as a clinical and research tool in many countries. It was developed to record a range of challenging behaviours displayed by people with acquired brain injury (ABI) living in community settings.
The OBS provides clear operational definitions of challenging behaviours and its structured format helps to elicit information that might otherwise not be obtained. Administration guidelines assist with consistent and reliable use of the OBS.

Rights and Resources – People with ABI and the Victorian Justice System
In 2017 Diverge partnered with the Victorian Coalition of ABI Service Providers and Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service to produce a guidebook titled “Acquired Brain Injury and the Victorian Justice System: Rights and Resources”
This resource has been designed as a practical guide for people with ABI, as well as their families, carers and advisors as they negotiate the justice system. It included information about what to do, who to ask, and how to respond when faced with arrest, questioning, police custody, court hearings, conviction, prison and release.
- Download the full guide by clicking here (this document is approx. 7MB) (It will take a few moments to load, and you will be prompted to press a Download button )

Publications & Presentations